Saturday, October 13, 2007

Rules of the Road

Joe poses a good question about the role of the 'workshopee'.

Because this is a web critique and you don't really interrupt us and we don't really have a time limit, like a real workshop, I think things questions for clarification and questions leading to further discussion of techniques (Like: How should microfiction be handled?) should be allowed. Perhaps discussion of techniques should be made their own post though, because we tend to be long-winded.

However, I am totally against 'defending the work'. Tirades saying that 'we just don't get it' don't work for me. If ten people are off the mark, then it's the writer, not the reader. If one person seems a little lost, I think that bringing them up to speed is okey-dokey.

Any other thoughts on ground rules?


Joe said...

I'm totally against "defending one's work," too. I do like the idea of little side discussions re: technique, etc.--nicely put.

Mishell said...

I agree. The purpose of a workshop is not to defend what you've written but to see what has worked and what hasn't. I also agree that separate posts should be used for the technical stuff. Gee, Jenny. You think of everything.

Anonymous said...

Maybe this isn't necessary, but do we need a deadline for posting, after which discussion of a particular piece can be closed? Such as a week for poems or two weeks for fiction? Or is that not long enough? No pressure to contribute, of course. But that way we'd have some semblance of forward movement rather than workshopping all over the place.

Joe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I'll just put in my two cents: I agree with Jenny :) As far as time limits for discussion I think that would be a good "rule of practice" rather than a hard and fast rule. Like we can use those time limits you posed as guidlines, but if some great comment on someone's work comes to you weeks later, you can go back and maybe let the person know you added a new comment to their piece. What does everyone else think?

Shane said...

I agree with everybody. Time limits would be a good guideline for people, just so we have something to shoot for. Posting after deadlines (should we just try two weeks to see how that goes?) will not result in horribly painful penalties. I would suggest that any really late posts be done off-line, otherwise we might not even notice.

My only other question is about number of submissions. I'm already in one critique group, so I know that it can get tough to respond if everybody submits at once. May not be an issue, but who knows.

Anonymous said...

I say those who submit comments after the deadline be systematically beaten with broccoli.

Anonymous said...

Anybody wanna pitch in for the broccoli?

Mishell said...

I don't know, Amanda. I think that beating each other with broccoli would just be an incentive for some of us to be purposefully late with our comments. Especially if said broccoli were dipped in a garlic butter sauce. Mmmm... Great, now I'm hungry.

Joe said...

Ew. Broccoli. I might pitch in for carrots. Mm. Carrots.